Beyond the horizonCreative Commons License Gauthier DELECROIX – 郭天 via Compfight

Hello everyone! I had this thought pop into my head, and I just wanted to write a post about it. Let’s get started!


If you had a chance to make a change, what would you change?

My answer:

If I had a chance to make a change, I would change how we don’t always think before we act.


A lot of poor decisions are made because of a lack of thinking before we act. Trying to solve a problem without considering everything could result in a response that you would not like in the future. Thinking things through gives a chance to make sure we are happy with the response we give and no regrets are given in the future.

Is this possible:

Yes, it is just a matter of patience and reminders to oneself to do this. Self-control is the key to success.

“Thinking before doing ends with a smile.” ~Kira

Quote meaning:

Thinking before doing gives you a chance to make a good decision that might make another person smile in happiness.

Ways to do this:

  1. Before you do anything or say something, think
  2. Think if whether or not it is worth it to do or say it
  3. Once you make your choice there is no going back


Remember, it is easy to do bad, but it is hard to do good. In the end, choose what would make you happy. But, at least stop to think about how it may affect others.

Decisions whether it is big or small effects you in different ways.

Choices made in anger has a fifty-fifty chance of a happy or sad ending.

Self-control is the key to success in a happy ending.

A good choice is made in both your and others happiness.

Links to more information:

WikiHow: Think Before Speaking

Heart-Mind Online: Think Before You Act

Thanks for reading! I hope this can help you make good choices in the future. I’ll see you next time! Bye!
