Hello there readers! Today I will be doing poems about different things. Let’s get started, shall we?

A Summer Sunburst Kenneth Spencer via Compfight

The Sun

Every day I rise

Every night I fall

Watching over everything

Blazing neverending

Even during the night

Till the day this ends

I will watch over the beings

Who live every day to the fullest

I watch and provide this warmth every day

Forevermore it shall be

For I am the sun

The Moon Tuomo Lindfors via Compfight

The Moon

I can calm

I can bring chills to the bone

Being who I am

Not many look towards me

For I am mysterious

For I am alluring

For I am kind

For I am cold

My shine never too bright

It changes time and time again

Though neverending

I bring legends to life

I bring others rest

I bring many mysteries to wonder

For I am the moon

Pisanki klio2582 via Compfight

Another Day

I go through every day with the same tasks

I look to the next day with a bored look

I never wonder what the next day will bring

For there is nothing new

Until a day comes by

I wait for the bus

As it runs late I panic

I can’t be late

I can’t break routine

A pair of twins come along

One girl with calming blue eyes

One boy with striking red eyes

They look towards me

One with a smile

Another with a smirk

I raise an eyebrow in question

They whisper and nod

The fire in their eyes reminds me of someone

They leave and return

Buckets of paint

Shining with color

They splash it on me

I blink once then twice

Before I know it

The world becomes colorful

Full of hope

Full of joy

Full of wonder

I look to the two with a smile

They grin back and laugh

I smile and finally

I look towards another day with a smile

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Thanks for reading! Comment below if you enjoyed these poems and want to see more. Until then, see you later!!!
