Powell's Books

Thomas Hawk via Compfight

Hello! Today I will be talking about books! Yes, I know that some find it boring, but I enjoy reading.

What kind of books do I read?

Well, I read online fanfiction and physical books.

What genre?

I enjoy mostly romance, fantasy, and some other ones.

Current books?

I am currently reading multiple physical books.


  • Wings of Fire: The Dragon Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland

What happened to online books?

I read a lot of online fanfiction because I read a lot in one day. Here are some categories that I read constantly.

  • Anime
  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • Mythical

Why do I read?

I read because I enjoy it. I get to picture it in my mind and imagine what’s happening. It gives me the chance to wonder what would happen if ___ did ____ instead of ____.

Here are some links to online books:



Questions for you:

What books do you like to read?

What genre do you prefer?

Do you like reading?

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post. I’ll see you guys next week. Bye!