Delicious brownie with caramel close upCreative Commons License Marco Verch via Compfight

Hello there! This week’s topic is on cooking!

What is cooking?

Cooking is when you make food to eat. Or in other words, you bring ingredients together to make something good.

Benefits of cooking:

  • You can make food for your family
  • Cook for yourself
  • Make lunch
  • Have something to do when bored
  • Show cool food to your friends
  • and much more!

Do I know how to cook?

In all honesty, I can only cook a few recipes. Most of the recipes I know is because my family taught me. I learned some by doing research. I prefer to make desserts. Although, I do know how to cook some breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes.The reason why I love baking is that baking desserts are when I can be creative with how I cook it, what to put in it, and how it looks. My most favorite recipes are making eggs with toast and crepes.

Why cooking should be essential to learn:

Cooking should be essential to learn because then you could cook for yourself when no one is around, It makes you feel happy when someone compliments your cooking.  It just gives you a life skill to use on a regular basis.

Links to recipes:

Recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Recipes for desserts


Do you have any questions about this topic?

Do you cook or do you bake desserts?

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys like this topic. I’ll see you guys later!

